High Blood Pressure Spikes This Cancer RiskFortunately, more people than ever are surviving even the most aggressive types of cancer – and we’re finding more things to avoid to not developing those cancers in the first place.

However, new research published in the journal Cancer reveals devastating news if you suffer either high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.

There’s good news, though, but you must act fast.

Researchers collected information from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program and from Medicare. From this data, they identified 36,079 patients over the age of 66 with colon cancer of whom 7,024 also struggled with a metabolic disorder like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

When digging deeper, they discovered terrifying news.

Six percent fewer patients with high blood pressure or diabetes were alive five years after diagnosis than people without these conditions.

Moreover, eight percent more people with high blood pressure and diabetes had suffered recurrent colon cancer episodes five years after diagnosis than those patients without these conditions.

Race, gender, marital status, income, and education made no difference to the findings.

Since all the patients were receiving chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, another way of looking at this study is that cancer treatment works much better for people without diabetes and high blood pressure than for those who suffer from it.

Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States and the second leading cause of cancer-related death. There are almost 100,000 new cases every year and approximately 50,000 deaths every year. This study proves that thousands of these deaths could be prevented by keeping our blood pressure and blood glucose levels under control.

So how do you do that?

Discover how 3 easy exercises drop high blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

Or use this 3-step strategy to completely reverse your type 2 diabetes in 28 days