This Common Drink Causes ED (men you’re drinking it)A recent researchers from the University of Copenhagen and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology made lots of waves in the news.

This study was originally aimed at examining how a specific common drink affects the quality and quantity of men’s sperm. They asked 2,554 young Danish men to deliver a semen sample and to report their daily intake of this drink.

The results were shocking, not regarding the sperm count but for the men’s ED.

Researchers concluded that caffeine did not affect sperm, but that men who drank one liter of cola per day had a much lower sperm count than those who drank none of it.

In the course of their speculations, they mentioned that the high sugar content of soft drinks could possibly cause erectile dysfunction by damaging the blood vessels, through which blood flows into the penis during an erection.

Many websites and British tabloids took this to mean that the study proved that cola consumption caused erectile dysfunction. It actually didn’t prove anything of the kind; in fact, it did not measure erectile dysfunction in these Danish men at all. But it did introduce the question of whether a high sugary soft drink consumption can cause erectile dysfunction.

Unfortunately, no researchers have taken up the question since then by questioning a sample of men on their level of erectile dysfunction and their soft drink intake. But, based on previous relevant research, Polish scientists compiled reasons in a 2011 paper to argue that sugary soft drink consumption could very likely cause erectile dysfunction.

So just to be on the save side, if you suffer erectile dysfunction, avoid sugary drinks. At least it will help you lose weight, witch definitely contributes to the quality of erection.

But that’s not going to be enough to cure erectile dysfunction. For that, you need to do the easy home erectile dysfunction exercises, found here…