Strangely, Watching These TV Shows Lowers Blood PressureGood news for couch potatoes!

When it comes to the issue of lowering blood pressure and improving overall health, the number one piece of advice is to get off the couch and start working out.

The last advice your doctor would give you would be to watch more TV.

A new study out of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, however, reveals that watching a specific kind of TV show (you can usually find all the time) improves many health benefits, including anxiety, insomnia and high blood pressure.

Participants were assigned to one of two groups to test the effectiveness of brain training applications and games.

One group was assigned tasks that are typical of brain-training games on the computer, and the other was assigned the task of simply watching nature documentaries produced by National Geographic.

What the researchers found was that not only were the brain-training games essentially useless in increasing performance in memory, concentration, mental computation, and other goals, but the nature shows were overwhelmingly more effective.

What’s more, scientists noticed that in the nature show group, measurements in health characteristics like blood pressure, anxiety, sleep, and mood also improved to an obvious statistically relevant degree.

Scientists speculate that several things were happening to the nature show group to cause such an impressive change. First, nature shows are as informative as they are entertaining. People’s understanding of the world around them increased greatly without any specific effort needing to be placed upon focus.

Next, scientists point out that with the increase in the knowledge of subject matter, vocabulary was also increased due to the content of the shows.

Finally, and most important to the people who needed to drop their blood pressure, was the fact that watching the shows was very relaxing. Sleep improved, which is key in driving down hypertension, but stress and anxiety were also alleviated consistently.

The point to all this is not that you need to stay up watching nature shows. However, swapping out a ridiculous reality show for a relaxing nature program will go a long way in beating back the stress you fight on a daily basis. And kicking the stress habit is the key to eliminating hypertension, anyway.

For an even more powerful method to lower your blood pressure naturally, discover how these 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 in as little as 9 minutes…