Your Blood Pressure is Skyrocketed Several Times a Day By This DeviceItalian researchers at Guglielmo da Saliceto hospital in Piacenza made an alarming discovery recently.

It seems that a device almost everyone uses spikes your blood pressure to a dangerous level several times per day.

In this unusual study conducted on 49 women with the average age of 53, Italian researchers discovered that cell phone use is responsible for a significant spike in blood pressure when used during the blood pressure readings.

All study participants were suffering from high blood pressure and taking blood pressure-lowering medications.

The research group underwent sets of several blood pressure readings. The readings were performed in what researchers describe as a relaxed environment where participants were left alone in the office.

During one of the blood pressure readings a researcher with anonymous caller ID called the survey participant few times.

When participants were disrupted by unexpected phone calls their systolic blood pressure spiked quickly and remained elevated for a short period of time. The diastolic blood pressure was not affected.

Researchers assume that the cause of this sudden increase in blood pressure by cell phones has little or nothing to do with the radio frequency field generated by them, but rather due to an abrupt noise generated by a cell phone.

Survey investigators noticed that a sudden spike in blood pressure affected individuals more who were not considered to be “heavy” cell phone users, meaning that they receive less than 30 phone calls a day.

The undeniable truth is that we live in the world where cell phones are a big part of our lives. They serve as a main tool of communication in business, social relationships and everyday life- but they also have a hazardous effect on our health.

Taking into consideration the results of this unusual study, it is important to remember to stow your cell phone away or put it on silence during the blood pressure readings to ensure the most accurate results and, of course, to avoid dangerous sudden blood pressure increases.

But it’s also good to simply switch your cell phone off from time to time when you want to relax and give your blood pressure a little rest.

In fact, giving your blood pressure what I call a “Focused Break” is the key to bring it down to a healthy level permanently.

Learn more about the “Focused Break” and how to cure your high blood pressure naturally here…