This Alternative Therapy Now Proven to Lower High Blood PressureThe rock-and-hard-place dynamic many people with high blood pressure face is that the medication they take may come with very unpleasant and dangerous side effects.

But, not managing high blood pressure leads to stroke and heart failure in most cases.

So what’s a person to do?

Research has shown that the answer to both dilemmas is not only tried-and-true, but also ancient and much researched.

In a new study conducted in Gazi University Medical Faculty, Ankara/Turkey, not only was acupuncture proven to be effective in the reduction of high blood pressure, but it was also extremely effective in eliminating many of the side effects of blood pressure medication.

The well-known side effects that people experience when taking ACE inhibitors, diuretics and beta blockers run the gamut. Common complaints are fatigue, bloating, depression, headache, exhaustion, and joint pain.

The research showed that these symptoms were alleviated through the use of acupuncture.

This natural treatment is therefore a boon for people who suffer from very stubborn high blood pressure.

An even more powerful method to lower blood pressure are these 3 easy exercises proven to drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…