Yes, This Lowers Blood Pressure Naturally (study proves)Very few people genuinely follow the one Lifestyle habit that appears on all medical specialists’ advice for lowering high blood pressure.

It is, in fact, not so difficult to do. Most people’s lack of motivation and self-discipline simply prevent them from following it.

But a new study published in the journal Hypertension reveals that following this one piece of advice makes or breaks your high blood pressure as well as heart attack and stroke risk.

The researchers examined the data of 4000 women who had suffered from gestational diabetes collected by the Nurses’ Health Study II. It included their dietary habits, as collected every four years for 18.5 years.

They then rated each of the women’s eating habits on three healthy diets: the Alternative Eating Index, the Mediterranean-style diet, and the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH.)

Women who scored high on one or all of these diets were at 20 to 30 percent lower risk of developing high blood pressure in the future compared to those who paid no attention to healthy dieting.

According to these scientists, this is the same level of benefit that the general population without gestational diabetes reaps from healthy dieting.

They attributed most of the blood pressure rise of an unhealthy diet to weight gain.

So what are these three healthy diets?

While there are some differences, they all include plenty of whole grains, legumes (pulses), fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish. They are also low in added sugar, salt, red meat, processed meat, and processed grains.

All three diets also avoid any kind of heavily processed food.

This is not exactly surprising but an important reminder to eat healthy.

But if you already have high blood pressure, eating healthy may not be enough to bring it down.

To completely reverse your high blood pressure, you should use the 3 easy blood pressure exercises found here…