This Delicious Mushroom Protects and Heals Your HeartFor almost 6,000 years this mushroom has been known and used in Asia as a medicine for different health conditions.

Finally, now, the Western world is catching up to recognize the unique health properties of this unique mushroom.

Various research done on this mushroom reveal its unbelievable properties to improve the immune system, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and regulate blood pressure.

And the good news is that this remarkable mushroom is widely available in supermarkets all over the world.

A recent study reveals that Shiitake mushrooms have outstanding properties to support our cardiovascular health.

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania discovered that the Shiitake mushroom is loaded with potent disease-fighting antioxidants. Three key antioxidant minerals found in Shiitake are manganese, selenium and zinc.

It also contains an unusual and unique photonutrient oxidant known as Ergothionene (ET), which, according to researches, is a powerful antioxidant that has outstanding properties to improve cardiovascular health.

Another cardiovascular health benefit of Shiitake mushrooms is cholesterol reduction. D-eritadenine is one of the most extraordinary and naturally occurring sources of nourishment in Shiitake mushrooms that has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to lower total blood cholesterol. This particular compound is actually derived from adenine- one of the building blocks of the mushroom’s DNA. The Beta-glucans found in Shiitake mushrooms also contribute to its cholesterol-lowering ability.

This mushroom also has a very unique capability to control too much immune cell binding to the lining of our blood vessels. Compounds found in Shiitake mushrooms help regulate the binding process to protect our blood vessels.

That’s not to mention that they are a great source of potassium which is known to cut the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Shiitake mushrooms are an excellent source of iron, 3 B vitamins (B-2, B-5, B-6) and Vitamin D. They contain key minerals like zinc, manganese, potassium, copper, selenium and phosphorus.

This magnificent mushroom tastes great, too, and is easily found in most grocery and health food stores.

However, eating healthy mushrooms may not be enough to lower your cholesterol and blood pressure…

Check out this step-by-step strategy that has helped thousands of people to get their cholesterol under control in 30 days or less…

Or discover how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 in as little as 9 minutes…