High Blood Pressure NOT Caused By Western Diet and LifestyleFor years people have been told that the diet and lifestyle choices that are so typical in the Western world are the cause of the overwhelming problem with high blood pressure.

However, new research out of China shows that more than one third of adults there show evidence of high blood pressure, even when Western diet trends are not present.

So what is the cause of high blood pressure for these people?

Exactly the same as the main cause of high blood pressure in the Western world.

Research presented by the World Hypertension League reveals that more than 330 million people in China suffer from high blood pressure.

It is such a problem that it is occurring at a rate of 1 in 5 for young men ages 25 to 34.

So why do so many people in Asia present with high blood pressure even if they don’t eat Western type diet?

An abundance of evidence points to one common thread that is present no matter where a person lives, putting everyone at basically the same risk of developing high blood pressure…


There are four types of stress that cause high blood pressure:

Physical – when you run the track your blood pressure goes up. Then it drops down. However, if you are always under a lot of physical stress (for example when you get sick), high blood pressure can become chronic.

Emotional – the aspect we most of contribute to high blood pressure. This includes, relationship issues, concern about our kids, overreacting emotionally to situations etc.

Sensory – studies have shown that people who live around lots of noises such as traffic have higher levels of stress hormones in their blood. Watching TV, flying in a loud plane, working in a factory can all contribute to sensory stress and high blood pressure.

Mental – mental challenges are great. Playing Sudoku, chess or doing the crossword puzzle will all help you keep mental sharpness for the rest of your life. But get stuck on a mental challenge that you just can’t stop thinking about, and be sure that your blood pressure will spike. Your brain uses 20% – 40% of available blood oxygen. You can do the math if you overuse it.

The four types of stress accumulate. So if you’re under heavy physical stress and then are faced with increases in emotional and mental stress, your normal blood pressure may skyrocket.

Lots of people with high blood pressure tell me they’re not stressed. This may be true in an emotional sense. However, I’ve never met a person with high blood pressure who didn’t also have high cortisol (stress hormone) levels when measured.

Our High Blood Pressure Exercises are based on giving your body what we call a “Focused Break,” where the chronic high blood pressure is brought down for a few minutes and your system reboots.

It works for almost everyone to bring the blood pressure below 120/80 in less than a week- often even the very first day. Check out these simple blood pressure exercises here…