This Easy-to-Find Ingredient Prevents StrokeRecent research proves that eating more of one cheap ingredient – you can find in any supermarket – will significantly lower your risk of stroke.

Plus, it contains a long list of other health benefits – including lowering blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight.

For years we’ve been told that increasing our fiber, or roughage, is essential to our colon health. There isn’t likely anyone over the age of 30 who doesn’t conjure up an advertisement of some sort of white powder supplement.

While healthy bowels are important, what other benefits are we seeing from increased fiber intake? Would you believe stroke?

It seems to be quite a stretch from colon health, but not really.

Researchers in England found that increasing fiber in your diet up to 7 percent also decreases the chances of stroke by 7 percent.

This is due to reducing risk factors, which trigger strokes including: high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol.

If loading up on fiber is not enough to bring your blood pressure down, you want to check these 3 easy exercises – guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

And if high cholesterol is the issue – check out this step-by-step strategy and normalized my cholesterol and cleared out my clogged arteries…