This Common Work Causes High Blood Pressure and Heart AttackThe European Journal of Preventive Cardiology recently published a study that demonstrated how many of the most common jobs place people at an increased risk of heart attack.

The results were especially scary if you already have high blood pressure.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t jobs that required a long hours of sitting that were the most dangerous.

The scientists found that, when combined with high blood pressure, hard physical labor poses a serious heart attack risk.

To reach this conclusion, they analyzed the data of 12,093 female nurses collected by the Danish Nurse Cohort Study from 1993 onward. The nurses were then between the ages of 45 and 64.

They divided the nurses into three groups who reported their exertion levels to be either low, moderate or high. In addition, they divided them into groups with high or low blood pressure.

After 15 years during which they continued to collect the nurses’ health information, this is what they found:

• Nurses with normal blood pressure and high physical activity had five extra cases of heart disease per 10,000 people per year over those with normal blood pressure and low physical activity.

• Nurses with high blood pressure had 15 more cases of heart disease per 10,000 people per year than those with low or normal blood pressure.

• Nurses with both high blood pressure and hard labor had 60 extra cases of heart disease per 10,000 people per year. Yes, that’s 6% spike in heart attack risk if you work hard and have high blood pressure at the same time.

If you think about it, this is pretty alarming. High blood pressure alone is considered to be a serious risk factor for cardiovascular events.

That is why medical professionals, as well as this website, constantly stress the need to keep it under control.

But the already high risk quadruples when you load a physically demanding job on top of the hypertension.

This takes us to the four types of stress that cause high blood pressure and heart attack:

Emotional stress – such as divorce and loss of loved once

Mental stress – such as negative thinking and worrying

Sensory stress – such as loud noise in your surrounding

Physical stress – as in the case of this study was caused by hard physical work.

This stress accumulates over time. Also, one type of stress can lead to another. For example, if you exhaust yourself with work, it can lead to emotional stress and mental stress.

The very best way to remove all four types of stress and lower your blood pressure naturally, lies in 3 easy blood pressure exercises found here…