The Best Exercises for High Blood PressureFinding the best exercise to lower blood pressure, might be a moving target. Especially when there are so many exercise plans hitting the consumer stream these days.

According to a new study published by the American Heart Association, one type of exercise has been found to be the most effective at lowering blood pressure, and it’s one of the easiest too.

A meta analysis of more than 90 trials was published by the American Heart Association, in which researchers were vetting the most effective exercises.

Their findings were in part predictable- such as the fact that ANY exercise is better than no exercise in lowering blood pressure, both for people with hypertension and even in those without.

But other findings were not as predictable. The three types of exercises that were compared showed interesting results.

Researchers looked at the effects of isometric exertion, dynamic aerobic, and dynamic resistance training on blood pressure levels.

– Isometric exertion exercises involve exerting force on a non-moving object. An example would be gripping exercises typically done in therapies after a stroke.

– Aerobic exercises are those that get the heart rate elevated such as running, biking or swimming.

– Resistance exercises are slower but more weight such as weightlifting or pull-ups.

Researchers found with the latter two that as the intensity increased, the effectiveness at lowering blood pressure also increased.

However, the isometric exertion exercises were actually the most effective overall in lowering blood pressure across all age and race groups, and for both genders.

It might seem counterintuitive that sitting in a chair squeezing something would be more effective at lowering blood pressure than pumping iron or swimming every day, but in reality the study highlights what natural health professionals have been saying for years- relaxation and elimination of stress are key to lowering blood pressure.

The blood pressure exercises I discovered years ago that have helped thousands of people to bring their blood pressure down to a healthy level, are based somewhat on the same philosophy as the isometric exertion exercises in the study.

Our blood pressure exercises, however, are even more powerful because many people manage to bring their blood pressure down to 120/80 the very first day. Learn more and test drive the blood pressure exercises online here…