Has Your Stroke Risk Gone Up 53%? (be warned)Stroke has become one of the leading causes of death in the world.

One group in particular is experiencing a spike in stroke risk. And it’s exactly the group that’s most vulnerable.

Since the mid-90s, strokes in patients under the age of 45 have shot up as much as 53%.

While the overall rate of stroke has gone down, the increasing number of younger people suffering from a stroke is rising.

The rise is due to large numbers of young people suffering from high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, at increasingly earlier ages, with 1 in 5 children under the age of 5 now considered clinically obese.

More than 80% of strokes can be prevented; however, this serious health concern is going under the radar since this group of sufferers are less likely to visit their doctor for regular check ups.

Younger people also may not recognize, or especially don’t expect the signs of stroke. “I’m too young to suffer a stroke,” they think.

Common stroke signs include arm weakness, slurred speech, and a drooping face.

Even hospitals often write off stroke in younger people, as migraine or alcohol intoxication and send them home without treatment.

Time is of the essence when stroke symptoms occur; the longer you go without blood flow to the brain the worse the outcome is going to be.

There are several tests that can help detect stroke risk factors, such as cholesterol, triglyceride, and A1c levels that measure average blood sugar during the past few months.

Another important marker is the C-reactive protein test, which checks for chronic inflammation.

Several studies now conclude that small elevations in blood pressure in early adulthood are linked to a severe rise in stroke and heart attack risk in later life.

It’s therefore extremely important to manage your blood pressure. The best way to do so is this great collection of 3 easy exercises, guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

Another thing is to lower your cholesterol level. Here is the step-by-step strategy I used to clear out my +90% clogged arteries and normalize my cholesterol…