How Arthritis Turns Deadly (scary, but important to know)A study done by Dr. Adriana Puente revealed that arthritis can lead to sudden death by a disease we all fear.

Most patients have no obvious warning signs before dying. And this is just one of many deadly diseases arthritis can cause.

Fortunately, there is a way to prevent this.

According to this new study, more than 25% of rheumatoid arthritis sufferers are at serious risk of having a heart attack.

It has always been important to diagnose the disease as soon as possible to be able to start with proper treatment right from the start. This study underlines the importance of early diagnosis once again.

For the study, 91 people suffering arthritis were examined. None of the patients had any symptoms of heart disease.

To determine if a patient had an elevated risk of heart attack, scientists looked at the supply of blood to the heart and the existence of dead tissue in the arteries due to a lack of oxygen.

The researchers found that due to inflammation caused by arthritis, over a quarter of these patients had an increased risk of a heart attack.

Unfortunately, heart disease is not the only health risk for arthritis patients. Here are a few more:

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Gastrointestinal problems can occur as a result of medication for rheumatoid arthritis, typically NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Gastrointestinal bleeding can also cause anemia. If taking any medication, you should be monitored for these side effects.


Inflammation of the blood vessels is a rare but severe complication of rheumatoid arthritis.


Some RA drugs suppress the immune system, boosting the risk of infection. That is on top of the already increased risk because of the disease itself.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

This cancer has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis. Other blood cancers, as well as lung cancer and melanoma, may become a problem too. These cancers are not as much a result of the disease as of the immune-suppressive medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis is not just another painful disease. It can cause severe health problems so proper treatment and monitoring is absolutely necessary.

So, the only way to prevent the deadly diseases arthritis leads to is to cure your arthritis naturally. Without drugs or other traditional medical “solutions.”

There are many studies out there that prove that diet and lifestyle changes can manage symptoms or even cure arthritis. Acupuncture, massage, and breathing exercises can all pitch in to bring some relief.

I’m living proof that arthritis can be cured. But to really cure it, you need to follow a solid, step-by-step strategy.

Don’t let this ugly disease ruin your life or even kill you. Because here is the exact step-by-step strategy used by me – and thousands of readers – to completely overcome arthritis…