Type 2 Diabetes? Never, Ever Skip This!In the past decade, several studies have concluded that one specific daily habit can keep type 2 diabetics substantially healthier. It also happens to be a habit that prevents type 2 diabetes in currently non-diabetic people.

There are so many unpleasant things that diabetics must remember to do every day, but this is not one of them. It involves eating, after all, which few people seem capable of refraining from doing.

The problem? It needs to be done in the morning when you are either half asleep, lazy, or rushing to get to work on time.

Experts have long argued that people who skip breakfast are more likely to put on weight than those who eat breakfast. Many studies have found this, and 78 percent of Americans registered with the National Weight Control Registry testify to eating breakfast every day. These are people who have managed to lose weight and keep it off.

But now scientists also say that breakfast skippers with type 2 diabetes struggle to stabilize their blood glucose throughout the day, consequently requiring more medication than those who eat breakfast.

This is the case because breakfast skipping increases your overall 24-hour average of blood glucose levels. By skipping breakfast, you force your body to fast from the previous evening to the next afternoon, after which you squash all your daily food into an eight hour period between your lunch and dinner. This is the perfect recipe to spike blood glucose.

Your body particularly wants a large meal after the long overnight fast, which is why a large breakfast, moderate lunch, and small dinner has been determined to be the best diet for people with type 2 diabetes.

A sizable breakfast is so important to diabetics that researchers have even found a two meal breakfast-and-lunch diet to be better for glucose control than a diet based on six small meals per day. It is the large meal after the overnight fast that is the key.

It’s not only diabetics who should pay special attention to breakfast, of course. While research is mixed, there are some studies that make clear that those who regularly skip breakfast are much more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who eat a daily breakfast; between 20 and 30 percent more likely, in fact. Breakfast is, thus, not only a way to manage diabetes better, but also to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Swedish researchers have even established that poor breakfast habits at age 16 are the strongest predictors that you will develop diabetes as an adult, so you’d better train your kids from early on to eat breakfast to save them from diabetes. They defined poor breakfast habits as either skipping, or eating or drinking something sweet.

So what should diabetics and non-diabetics eat for breakfast?

According to an Israeli research team, blood glucose levels are the most stable through the 24 hour period if your breakfast contains carbohydrates (especially in the form of fiber), protein, and fat. The protein and fat make you feel full and slow down your body’s absorption of the carbohydrates.

If you eat cereal, include the protein and fat by adding nuts to it. If you eat an egg, add the carbohydrates and fiber by putting it on a slice of whole grain bread. If you drink a smoothie, add some peanut or cashew butter to obtain the protein and fat.

The American Diabetes Association recommends a few easy breakfasts for diabetics. These include quick oats with unsalted nuts and dried fruit, whole grain cereal with berries, smoothies with fresh or frozen fruit, 100 percent whole wheat bread with peanut butter, whole grain English muffins, non-fat yogurt, eggs or egg substitute on whole wheat toast with reduced-fat cheese and/or bell peppers and tomatoes, and so on. These are all quick to grab, cook, and run to work on.

Another practice that might help is to stop thinking of certain foods as appropriate for breakfast and of others as inappropriate for it. This clears your way to have the previous night’s reheated left-overs for breakfast, which is often healthier than instant breakfast foods.

To completely reverse your type 2 diabetes, follow this 3 step strategy, proven by thousand of readers…