Scary News About Type 2 Diabetes (how it affects your brain)If you are sitting on the fence about whether or not to get serious about reversing your type 2 diabetes, evidence in a new study on the link between brain function and diabetes may be the thing to push you over on the action side.

Find out today what scientists have discovered about the relationship between diabetes and your brain- and don’t wait. You will find out that time is of the essence.

If you have a family history of cognitive disease like Alzheimer’s or of metabolic ones like diabetes, this new study published in Neurology might have just what you need to know to ward off problems not just down the road but right this minute.

During the 2-year study, researchers wanted to see if there was a link in cognitive degeneration and type 2 diabetes.

They suspected that people suffering diabetes were at risk of developing memory problems and also of a more rapid decline than those not suffering diabetes, but they weren’t prepared for the rapid pace that they found.

In just 2 years, researchers found, participants showed strong evidence of noticeable declines in cognitive function in type 2 diabetics.

Said another way, people with type 2 diabetes can start to suffer problems in their brains within just 2 years of developing the disease.

Left unmanaged or at least poorly managed , imagine the cognitive damage that can occur over a number of years, or even decades.

That is one more of many already proven reasons why the 3 million Americans currently suffering type 2 diabetes should get it under control, and right now.

The good news is that type 2 diabetes can quite easily be reversed using simple lifestyle changes. Here is the step-by-step strategy thousands of readers have used to completely reverse their type 2 diabetes…