How High Blood Pressure Devastates You LaterWe know that having high blood pressure causes heart attack and stroke if not managed. It is also a contributing factor in many other disease processes, as well as being a side effect of countless others.

This is all old news!

But there is new evidence emerging that you will want to know about if you have high blood pressure.

And it’s devastating!

A new study recently published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease rings what should be taken as an alarm bell for those who haven’t taken the first steps toward stopping their high blood pressure.

The data came from the Framingham Heart Study and researchers from Boston University School of Medicine who wanted to see the effects of high blood pressure on cognition.

What they found was that for people who suffer high blood pressure in midlife, or between the ages of 40 and 60, they are at alarmingly higher risk of having memory and cognition problems in their 80s and beyond.

With life spans on the increase due to better health care, the cognitive effects (later in life) of early chronic high blood pressure (in a person’s 50s) are becoming startlingly obvious.

The study made a compelling link to high blood pressure and aging on the brain: those who suffered hypertension in their 50s had accelerated aging of the brain by the time they were in their 80s.

So no matter what your age is, you must begin managing your blood pressure now!

It’s not too late. You can actually end high blood pressure for good in just 3 easy steps- starting today. Find out the simplest, most effective, and (most importantly) drug-free way to bring your blood pressure down to normal right now…