High Risks for High Blood Pressure You Can AvoidThere are many causes of high blood pressure that are difficult to avoid. Others, like genetic influences, may be downright impossible.

However, it is within your power to prevent the number one cause of high blood pressure.

Even if your blood pressure is dangerously high, you may be able to bring it to a healthy level by avoiding this one thing.

According to a recent study at Carnegie Mellon University, your interpersonal relationships may be leading to an increased risk in high blood pressure.

Psychologists Rodlescia Sneed and Sheldon Cohen have discovered that older adults who experience conflict with their friends and family may find themselves in greater danger of heart disease.

Conversely, older adults who enjoy healthy and positive relationships with friends and family have a higher chance of living longer, healthier lives.

For over thirty years, Sheldon Cohen has studied the relationship between our social lives, our stress levels, and our bodies. In addition to his recent discoveries regarding blood pressure, Cohen uncovered a correlation between active social lives and stronger immune systems.

Since then, he and Rodlescia Sneed have worked together to look more closely at the quality of these active social lives.

They found that participants in their study who reported having higher levels of stress in their social lives were 38% more likely to develop high blood pressure than those that reported having relatively stress-free social lives.

This is yet another sign that stress is the number one cause of high blood pressure. Whether it is emotional stress like that covered in this study, physical stress like that caused by disease, or mental stress brought on by worry, there is no denying that stress is an extremely influential part of our lives.

Given that it is the number one cause of high blood pressure, it is important to find ways to stay on top of it.

Our simple blood pressure exercises are designed to remove all types of stress from your system and lower your stress hormone level.

Learn more about the easy blood pressure exercises and enjoy the relaxation hereā€¦