This Common Disorder Causes Heart Attack and StrokeThe symptoms mimic signs of a heart attack: sweating, cramping in the chest, nausea, pain in the arms, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

However, while it might not be a heart attack in that moment, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, and heart attack and other complications down the road.

It is estimated that nearly 6 million people in the US suffer from panic disorder, and that’s just the diagnosed cases. There are likely millions more who are suffering in silence or have given up on finding treatment.

Twice as many women suffer panic disorder than men. As well, even though men are at risk of developing heart disease and suffering stroke and heart attack if panic goes untreated, women’s risks of these same fates are greatly increased.

During a panic attack, people feel an overwhelming loss of control, crushing fear, and in some cases even rage. It usually only lasts for a few minutes before subsiding, but can go on for more than an hour sometimes.

These attacks have sent many thousands of people to the emergency room as the physical symptoms are unnervingly similar to heart attack: sweating, cramping in the chest, nausea, pain in the arms, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

That’s why researchers at University of Adelaide’s School of Medicine in Australia looked at panic attacks and panic disorder more closely. They conducted a meta-analysis on 12 studies looking at over a million participants around the world- 60,000 of whom had some form of heart disease.

What they found was that compared to participants without panic disorder, the ones who did suffer were almost 40% more likely to also have heart disease, and an alarming 47% increased risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

While the researchers pointed out that the exact mechanism that leads from panic disorder to heart disease wasn’t immediately clear to them, those of us in the world of natural health see it plain as day.

Panic disorder is an acute and debilitating manifestation of stress. There are many kinds: biological (an infection), emotional (losing a loved one), sensory (loud noises from the street or TV), and psychological, which is where panic disorder lives.

Stress is the cause of high blood pressure. Thousands of studies in countless universities all over the world have proven that over and over again. And untreated high blood pressure can and does lead to heart disease, stroke, and heart attack.

But getting the stress under control is what pharmaceutical companies simply throw pills at. This isn’t curing anything at all. It’s simply masking the symptoms and adding countless dangerous side effects to an already bad situation.

The only way to effectively and permanently cure chronic high blood pressure and completely eliminate stress- in any form- is the safe and natural way. Click this link to bring your blood pressure to normal limits with 3 simple exercises and make your heart happier…