ED Medications Cause This Deadly Disease (what to do instead)What is the use of managing ED if you’re dead?

That’s a pretty drastic statement. But according to a new research from New York University, the most common ED medications will drastically increase your risk of developing one of the deadliest diseases there is.

The ironic fact is that it’s easy to overcome ED without these medications and therefore avoid the deadly disease altogether.

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE5), the active ingredient in Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and most other erectile dysfunction medications, significantly increases your risk of malignant melanoma.

And with both erectile dysfunction and malignant melanoma being on the rise, you can’t afford to take this risk.

The stats for 4,065 Swedish men suffering melanoma and 20,325 cancer-free Swedish men was analyzed.

11% of the melanoma group had taken PDE5 type erectile dysfunction drugs, but only 8% of the cancer free group. This means taking these drugs can increase your risk of melanoma up to 30%.

Pretty scary!

This is only one of myriad potential risks and side effects of erectile dysfunction medications; I hope all men will stop taking them. Plus, popping a pill every time you want to have sex is no fun.

There is a better, natural way to cure erectile dysfunction permanently.

There are also effective, safe, herbal remedies. Some of them are admittedly nothing but sham, but a few work even more effectively than prescription medications. Here is the only erectile dysfunction herbal remedy I recommend…