These 6 Foods Help Reverse Type 2 DiabetesType 2 diabetes is the fastest growing disease on earth. The number of people suffering doubles every 10 years.

When a disease that’s not contagious is on such a steep rise, only one conclusion can be made: It’s our diet and lifestyle causing it – nothing else!

So what are the first, most essential diet changes you should make?

That’s the subject of today’s article. Because here, I’m going to list six of the most powerful foods to fight type 2 diabetes.

Blueberries: Being rich in natural proanthocyanin pigment antioxidants, flavonoids, and fiber, it helps to control inflammation and blood glucose levels. In fact, blueberries have more types of antioxidants than any food on earth.

A recent study showed that eating two or more servings of blueberries weekly reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 23%!

And, according to a finding published in British Medical Journal, if you’re willing to replace fruit juice with blueberries, you could reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by 33%.

Green Tea: Green Tea contains large amounts of polyphenolic flavonoids and catechins, which function as powerful antioxidants. It improves insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels.

Drinking three cups daily lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 40%.

Chocolate: What, chocolate for reversing diabetes?

Like in green tea, the flavonoids in dark chocolate help to reduce insulin resistance by helping the cells to function normally and regain the ability to use body’s insulin efficiently.

Eating 20 grams (but no more than 50 grams) of dark chocolate daily helps to improve insulin sensitivity. The key is portion control and the kind of chocolate you use – choose at least 60% dark chocolate.

Vinegar: Apple cider vinegar helps to control high blood sugar levels and reduce the body’s glucose level response to carbohydrate load in the meal.

Taking two tablespoons before a meal will work wonders at lowering blood sugar levels by 25%, and by up to 50% in pre-diabetics.

Nuts: Chuck out those sugar-free muffins (Yep, they’re bound to have harmful artificial sweeteners) and replace them with a handful of mixed nuts to lower both blood sugar levels.

Eating five or more servings per week reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Now that’s a double blessing we all love!

Coffee: Here’s one more reason to meet up for a cup of coffee. According to a study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, drinking three or four cups a day reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 25%.

A Chinese analysis of 26 studies found that people who drank the most coffee reduced their diabetes risk by 30%.

But to completely reverse type 2 diabetes, it’s not enough to just pick out a few healthy things. You need a solid strategy.

Here is the exact 3 step strategy, my mother used to get her full blown type 2 diabetes under control – and never suffer again…