To Cure ED, Stop Using Soap (weird but true)There is one chemical that’s very likely in the soap you use that literally washes away the testosterone from your body.

This creates ED and lowers libido in men, as well as other dangerous health issues such as high blood pressure and heart attack.

Triclosan is a chemical found in most antibacterial soaps. And it has been found to have devastating effects on your health.

In a recent study published in the Oxford Journal of Toxicology Sciences, researchers exposed rats to low levels of Triclosan. After the exposure, the rats had significantly lower levels of testosterone than the control group.

Testosterone is an extremely important hormone. Not just for sexual function, though. Studies have shown that a drop in testosterone leads to weakened immune system, risk of heart attack, lower energy levels and many other health issues.

As if lowered testosterone levels weren’t enough, another study from The Indian Institute of Technology’s Department of Biotechnology revealed that rats who were exposed to Triclosan had much slower sperm production than those not exposed. This could also lead to lower libido.

There is no reason to believe that research on men would have different results than rats.

The fact is that everyday use of antibacterial soaps and gels have never been shown to deliver any health benefits. To the contrary; over sterilizing can weaken your immune system.

I recommend using only organic soap found in your local health food store. Triclosan is only one of many chemicals found in antibacterial products, and I’m sure that research will reveal the other types to be just as dangerous.

Now if you’re already suffering erectile dysfunction, I recommend you do extremely easy erectile dysfunction exercises. These exercises are so simple, nobody needs to know you’re doing them and they only take a few minutes per day.

Learn more about the erectile dysfunction exercises and try them out for yourself here…

Most men over 50 experience some drop in testosterone level. Here is a safe herbal remedy that boosts your testosterone level, leading to better erection and libido…