Proof This Common Herb Cures High Blood PressureThis herb has long been glorified as the king of natural blood pressure medicine.

Repeated studies- even the ones sponsored by Western medicine – show the benefits of this particular herb to combat high blood pressure.

Now, a meta-analysis (one that looks at previous studies) on this herb has been released. And yes, without a doubt, this herb can cure high blood pressure.

But there is a catch. You must use it in a specific way.

A meta-analysis is a study that is conducted on the research done in a number of previous studies that all look at the same thing. It looks for common trends, research anomalies, discrepancies, and anything else to scrutinize the conclusions of the various studies.

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension recently published the result of one such meta-analysis, looking at the effects of garlic on hypertension, or high blood pressure.

The meta-analysis looked at randomly chosen studies that occurred between 1946 and 2013, selecting 18 for comparison.

Across the many decades and methods of garlic consumption, the analysis not only showed an average of at least 3.75 mm/Hg drop in systolic pressure for the participants, but also a 3.39 mm/Hg drop for diastolic. This was for all participants. For those who had high blood pressure to begin with, the drop was more, at an average of 4.4 mm/Hg systolic.

The common reason that most of the studies agreed upon for the reason garlic is so effective at dropping blood pressure is that it contains a powerful antioxidant called allicin, which fights free radical damage throughout the body.

While allicin isn’t present n fresh garlic, processing it into powder and garlic salt, crushing it, or cooking it, will start the reaction process to create it from a precursor enzyme called allinaze.

So grab a garlic clove to drop your blood pressure 3-4 points. But if your blood pressure is so high that you need to lower it more than 3-4 points, you’ll have to use a more effective natural method.

The most powerful method I know to lower blood pressure naturally is this program of 3 easy blood pressure exercises, used by thousands of readers to effectively bring their blood pressure below 120/80.

Learn more about the easy blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself here…