How High Blood Pressure Leads To Blindness (you must read this)You know that high blood pressure shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s the #1 cause of death according to the World Health Organization.

But it isn’t really dying we’re afraid of, are we? It’s losing our quality of life. And few things are worse than losing our eyesight.

And that’s what high blood pressure has now been proven to do. A specific kind of blindness that can be prevented.

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. It happens when the eye pushes against blood trying to enter the eye. The pressure inside the eye becomes too high for too long and damages the optic nerve.

Today, there is no cure for glaucoma and no way to reverse damage to the optic nerve. The only thing you can do is to prevent the pressure from building up in the first place.

A new study published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science reveals that having high blood pressure compromises the eye’s ability to manage eye pressure functionally and, as a result, causes glaucoma.

For this reason, if you have high blood pressure (even if your eyesight is good now) you should visit an eye doctor every other year and have him or her measure the pressure in your eye.

Glaucoma is just one more reason, on a long list, for managing your blood pressure. Nothing affects your health as negatively as high blood pressure.

The simplest, most effective method I know to lower blood pressure is a set of three easy blood pressure exercises. Thousands of readers have used these exercises to bring their blood pressure below 120/80… often within a week.

To learn more about the 3 easy blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself, click here…