Type 2 Diabetes Caused By Your Blood Type (are you A, B, AB, or O?)If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you’ve probably learned about several diet and lifestyle factors that drastically affect this disease.

A team of French researchers recently discovered a weird cause of type 2 diabetes. If your blood belongs to one specific blood type, you’re much more likely to develop this disease and it’s harder to treat.

New research released last month in Health Day News magazine highlighted new evidence in risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

It’s frustrating news for the roughly 10% of the population who has type B blood, meaning the B antigen is on the red blood cell and has A antibodies in the plasma.

Scientists have discovered that even after adjusting for other known risk factors, people with type B positive blood are at a 35% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to those of other blood types.

Scientists did not speculate on what it is about type B positive blood that causes it to be so much higher of a risk factor, but agreed more research should be done to uncover what can be found about this blood type.

Other genetic risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes include family history of diabetes and autoimmune disorders affecting the pancreas.

However, genetic factors and blood types never contribute more than 50% of developing type 2 diabetes.

That means that by making a few minor lifestyle changes, you can 100% reverse your disease. No matter what genetic pool or blood type you belong to.

Find out, exactly how to completely (and most importantly, easily) reverse type 2 diabetes without taking drugs…