How You Look Affects High Blood Pressure In A Strange WayWe know that both various lifestyle and genetic factors cause high blood pressure.

But could features of your look actually reduce your risk of high blood pressure by a whopping 21%? Things that seemingly don’t have anything to do with cardiovascular health?

Yes, say researchers from the University of Cincinnati. And as that wasn’t enough, these features also prevent high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, tinnitus, and several other illnesses.

In the biggest study ever conducted to compare the connection between physical attractiveness to good health, researchers examined 15,000 men and women between the ages of 25 to 35.

The researchers interviewed each person for 90 minutes about their health and wellbeing. Then, they personally rated their attractiveness.

Those rated attractive were drastically less likely to suffer almost any disease. Anything from high blood pressure and cholesterol to tinnitus and depression seemed to be improved by being more physically attractive.

Previous studies have shown similar results. For example, kids rated attractive at the age 10 were less likely to suffer any diseases when interviewed at the age 50.

The researchers concluded that our sense of attractiveness was nature’s way to pick the genetically best survivors. And indeed, attractive people seemed to be more likely to have a partner and more kids than those rated unattractive.

But I wouldn’t necessarily jump to that conclusion myself. Although some facial and physical features are more likely to be rated higher than others, there are so many things that are subjective when it comes to attractiveness.

We’re obsessed with youth and healthy looks. Therefore, a person who is overweight would be rated lower than a fit person. Being overweight contributes to the development of almost all diseases under the sun.

Losing weight is one thing well under our control. The easiest method I know to lose weight is just to load up on this one ingredient…

Another factor contributing to both good health and attractiveness is to be positive. If you’re smiling the whole world smiles with you. Happy, positive people tend to be less stressed, healthier and have bigger social circle. All this contributes to better health.

And on the flip side, eating healthy, exercising and taking care of yourself, makes you healthier and happier. Which, of course, leads to a more positive attitude. Which again, makes you more attractive.

Spending time outside in the sun, especially in nature will load anyone with energy and at the same time give us a fresh, energetic look that’s so attractive.

Reaching middle age and up, the most important thing for our overall wellbeing, health and happiness is to keep high blood pressure at bay.

Here is the easiest and most effective method I know to lower blood pressure naturally…