High Blood Pressure And Kidney Failure Surprising ResultsWe know for sure that high blood pressure directly causes many serious health issues. One of them is complete kidney failure.

But sometimes studies throw you a curveball, and that was what happened with a new study from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, researching this connection.

It was more about the drugs managing high blood pressure that surprised the researchers, than the connection itself.

ADPKD (autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease) is one of the most common types of kidney disease that causes kidney failure.

Measuring the development of this disease, scientists often use two significant markers; cysts growth inside the kidneys and overall kidney function

In this study, the researchers wanted to know if very aggressive blood pressure management helped slow down ADPKD.

They recruited 558 people with early stages of ADPKD. Half received blood pressure drugs aimed to bring their blood pressure below the standard 130/80. The other half got more aggressive therapy to bring it down below 110/75.

Strangely, there were two almost contradicting results. On one hand, cyst growth slowed down with more aggressive blood pressure management. On the contrary, overall kidney function didn’t approve.

More seriously, a much bigger portion of those receiving the higher dose of medications suffered worse side effects from the drugs, making researchers wonder if overmedicating is a good idea since overall kidney function didn’t improve anyway.

Now, what can those of us who want to live healthy learn from this?

We know that high blood pressure is dangerous, so the obvious conclusion would be that bringing it down by any means was the right thing to do. But very often we see that using drugs to manage blood pressure does not translate in healing the disease that high blood pressure causes. And the side effects are often more dangerous than the illness itself.

That’s why it’s so important to use all natural resources possible to lower high blood pressure. Diet and lifestyle changes are much more likely to contribute to your overall good health than medications.

The easiest and most efficient method I know to lower blood pressure are three easy blood pressure exercises. They take as little as nine minutes per day and absolutely no effort.

Learn more about these easy blood pressure exercises here and try them out for yourself…