#1 Cause of ED in Men Over 45 Discovered (and a simple cure found)If you’re a man over 45 and suffer ED, according to a new study from Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, there is one and only one cause of your condition.

Very seldom do we get a 100% correlation in a study. But this time, there is no denying the connection.

The good news: there is something you can easily do about it, and you should be doing it for many other reasons than ED. And if you do, you can live ED free for the rest of your life.

In a nine-year study, researchers measured the plaque buildup in men’s arteries and at the same time noted self-reported descriptions regarding their erection strength.

The connection was extremely high, and the door swung both ways.

Those who reported erectile dysfunction were twice as likely to have high plaque buildup levels in their arteries. And those who had lots of plaque at the beginning of the study were twice as likely to develop erectile dysfunction throughout the study period.

These results are no surprise. Just like heart attack happens when the arteries in the heart clog up, erectile dysfunction occurs when the tiny arteries leading to the genitals get blocked or narrowed.

The long-term solution for both is, therefore, exactly the same:

1) Lower your blood pressure (best done with these 3 easy blood pressure exercises)

2) Clear your arteries of plaque buildup (here is a step-by-step strategy to do that quickly).

But, if you’re already experiencing problems in the bedroom, there are also things you can do to stoke the fire, almost overnight.

Use specific exercises to boost the blood flow to the genital area. It works even if the arteries are partly blocked by plaque.

Best part is, these exercises are so subtle that nobody, not even your partner, needs to know you’re doing them. And there are no weird tools involved (like penis pumps).

For more info about these simple erectile dysfunction exercises, and to try them out for yourself (as soon as today), click here…