This Healthy Drink Causes High Blood Pressure and Heart AttackThere is one drink we’ve all been told is extremely healthy. It’s given out in kindergartens as alternative to sodas.

And we all love it!

But unfortunately, this drink has now been proven to raise blood pressure and increase the risk of stroke and heart attack.

The good news is that if you consume this drink in a little bit different form and it becomes in fact extremely healthy (weird?).

Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology in Australia have some grim news for those who love fruit juice.

Apparently, people who drink fruit juice frequently have higher central blood pressure and consequently a higher risk of heart attack.

Central blood pressure is slightly different from regular blood pressure readings. It is measured in the aorta, the biggest vessel emerging from the heart that pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout the body.

But that’s not the only problem with fruit juices.

As we know, fruit juices have negligible fiber content and very high natural sugar content. When made a regular habit, it can increase the amount of sugar intake and contribute a lot of calories.

To give you an example – a can of cola contains 139 calories, while a 250 ml serving of fruit juice contains 115 calories. 115 calories is equivalent to about 7 teaspoons of sugar.

The World Health Organization recommends a daily intake of not more than 7 teaspoons of sugar every day. If one glass of juice can contribute that, it’s troublesome, isn’t it?

Plus, most fruit juices sold in supermarkets are nothing more than flavored sugar drinks. They start with a concentrate and then load it with added sugar.

On the flip side, whole fruits are extremely good for your blood pressure and overall heart health. This is because the fiber in fruits regulates the sugar delivery to the blood stream. So instead of fruit juice, opt for whole fruits.

And to lower blood pressure, use these three easy exercises – starting today – guarantee to drop blood pressure below 120/80…