This Oil Prevents Heart Attack and Repairs Failing Hearts The #1 cause of death in the world is heart failure of some sort. So if you were to discover one single type of oil that could repair your heart in 30 minutes, I think you would be pretty interested, wouldn’t you?

Well that’s exactly the result from a new study conducted by the University of Illinois at Chicago Center for Cardiovascular Research.

What’s more, this type of oil is available in every supermarket and most likely you already have it in your kitchen.

For the study, researchers used rats with failing hearts. A condition where the heart has become too weak to pump blood effectively and metabolize fat.

Fat is essential to the heart to make it function smoothly. A failing heart is like a car engine running out of lubrication oil. The metal parts in the engine are just scraping together till it will eventually completely burn up and end with a bang (heart attack).

In the study, the researchers actually extracted the failing hearts from rats and managed to keep them pumping outside the body.

The purpose of the study was to find out what kind of fat was best to help the failing hearts restore themselves. To do that they applied two different types of fats to the hearts to see their effects:

1) Palmitate (the kind of fat typically found in palm oil, animal fat and dairy products)

2) Oleate (found in olive oil).

Observing the effect of these fat particles using special NMR spectroscopy, they discovered something amazing.

First, not so amazingly, the failing hearts injected with palmitate functioned/dysfunctioned pretty much the same.

But the hearts injected with oleate (olive oil) completely restored their fat content and began to show normal contractions after the injection. What’s more, it happened within just half an hour!

This is what we call amazing!

Now, of course, you’re not going to inject your heart directly with olive oil. So your heart is not going to heal in half an hour. But this study shows for sure that consuming olive oil regularly will help drastically with your heart health.

One thing to keep in mind when shopping for olive oil is to go for high quality, pricier brands. Cheaper brands have often been treated in a way that removes all health benefits (even if it’s called “cold pressed Extra Virgin”). I recommend always picking oil that is labeled from a specific location. For example Tuscany, Italy, or Crete, Greece. These oils are much more likely to be clean and unprocessed.

Another thing you absolutely must do to keep your heart healthy is to keep your blood pressure under control.

The best way I know to lower blood pressure are 3 easy exercises. Learn more about the simple blood pressure exercises here and try them out for yourself…

Another important thing is to keep your cholesterol level healthy. But it has to be done in a specific way. Here are the exact three steps I used to clean out my 95% clogged coronary arteries…