The tea I’m telling you about today is one of the most powerful natural things I’ve ever heard of to lower blood pressure.
In fact, two studies proved it as effective as blood pressure medications, without any side effects.
What’s more, this tea is very delicious and although it’s not as well known as many other teas, you should be able to get it in your local health foods store, wherever you are.
You might want to have a hibiscus bush in your garden – it’s not only decorative, but also useful! A new study has proven that a cup of hibiscus tea three times a day keeps blood pressure medications away.
In a study conducted in 2004 in Mexico, a team of scientists chose 75 patients with high blood pressure. Half were prescribed the blood pressure drug Captopril, while the other group drank hibiscus tea brewed from crushed, dried hibiscus flowers.
After four weeks, the blood pressure readings of all the patients were measured. The modest tea surprised the researchers by showing the same effect from drinking hibiscus as taking Captopril medication – both showed an 11 percent fall in blood pressure.
Another study compared hibiscus with a different blood pressure medication. Doctors looked at 193 participants who took part in the study and were prescribed either 10 milligrams of Lisinopril or 250 milligrams hibiscus capsule.
After four weeks, the medication caused a 15 percent reduction while hibiscus capsules followed closely behind with 12 percent reduction in blood pressure.
Hibiscus has anti-diuretic properties – that is, it can help relax the arteries. It is a natural ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) inhibitor – it slows down the release of hormones that cause blood vessels to constrict. Hibiscus is also good for improving immunity and has many natural antioxidants.
So you can reap the benefits from hibiscus by either drinking the tea or taking capsules. Be aware, however, that just like medications, hibiscus is not a permanent cure. As soon as the study participants stopped using it daily, their blood pressure began to rise again.
A more permanent way to lower blood pressure is to do these 3 easy blood pressure exercises. Unlike hibiscus or other remedies, these exercises tackle the underlying cause of high blood pressure; therefore, delivering permanent results.
You can learn more about the blood pressure exercises and try them out for yourself here…
Is hibiscus the same as sorrel in Jamaica which is usually had at Christmastime?
Nice to know about this tea
Thanks a lot for providing a worthwhile option.
this information is very interesting, I am going to do the experiment. I am using a blood pressure table and my foot are swollen and so I want to get off them
Hibiscus I have to try it. We have it In Jamaica. I will certainly promote it if it work
sorrel(used in Jamaica@ Christmas time well I use it daily and have been for some time) I also use garlic
Diet is important do not ad salt watch. salt if you purchase packet , frozen foods.
Things work for some and not for others with any natural product time has to be given I have one or 2 glasses 6-8 ozs daily ,Keep taking your meds untill you see some change do not abruptly stop your MEDS.(some people just need one thing others many need to do a variety of things
I no longer take those Meds. walking try to reduce stress ,l rest,a lot of sugar will spike some peoples BP.a natural diuretic is the only thing that will reduce the odema in your feet. Elevate your feet when possible.I use dandelion root&leaves making a tea with this Please research what dandelion Leaves and the root does kidney&liver combined.I am doing everything I mentioned and it works(sometimes adding a good trace mineral helps also look at Moringa (do not over use any of these herbs start slowly research .
Always great information, and useful.