Products containing potassiumHey you.

Yes, you – the man or woman taking certain high blood pressure medications.

These medications treat high blood pressure. And they remove excess water, which is great.

But! They also wash away a valuable mineral. And that’s pretty bad for your heart health.

An easy fix: take supplements of this (inexpensive) mineral, and you’re good to go.

Among those diagnosed with heart failure, many patients experience water accumulation in their body, especially in the legs. This happens when the heart doesn’t function efficiently. To treat this problem, doctors prescribe loop diuretics to help remove the excess water.

Problem solved, right?

No! Actually, along with water, the drug also flushes away the vital mineral potassium out of the body. When potassium levels are depleted, it results in dangerous heart rhythm disturbances.

The research team analyzed data from 360,000 patient records of those who suffered heart failure between the years 1997 and 2007. The overall risk of death among the patients was 9 percent.

But about half the patients were prescribed potassium supplements of about 40 milligrams per day. In this group, it was observed that the risk was lowered by up to 16 percent!

Potassium can be naturally obtained from many foods, too. Some of the best sources of potassium include spinach, white beans, baked potatoes, bananas, apricots, avocado, yogurt, salmon and mushrooms.

High blood pressure, cholesterol and excess body weight are the biggest enemies of heart health.

So, consider this: What if you could bring your cholesterol down, starting now? What if it was super easy? What if…you clicked here and found out more?

One more thing: With just 3 simple exercises, you could live a life free of high blood pressure. Take a look here.