5 Worst Herbs for High Blood Pressure (avoid these if your BP is high)Herbs are good for you, sure.

But if you’ve got high blood pressure, certain herbs can make your medications ineffective and push your blood pressure even higher.

Not good at all. Thankfully, we’ve got good news for you, too: these herbs are pretty easy to avoid.

And remember this: the best way to live a fun-filled and healthy life is to take all the right steps to beat heart disease – and that includes avoiding these 5 herbs, if necessary.

Here is a list of spices that can actually cause the blood pressure to increase and are best avoided:

St. John’s wort: This is a herb commonly used for treating depression. The herb causes the metabolic function to speed up and hence it is possible that your blood pressure medication gets metabolized really quick, and loses its effectiveness. This can cause your blood pressure to increase.

Echinacea: It is a herb used for treating cold and flu symptoms. It can actually change the way medications are metabolized and should be avoided.

Ginseng: This herb is gaining popularity because it has been known to lower blood sugar, boost immunity and reduce fatigue. But when it comes to blood pressure, it has mixed effects. It has been known to both lower and increase blood pressure so you can test how it effects you. Or just avoid it.

Ephedra: This herb contains certain chemical compounds called ephedrine, which is a type of alkaloid. This herb is known to stimulate both the nervous system and the endocrine system causing the blood pressure to rise.

Licorice: In high doses, licorice has been shown to cause both an increase in blood pressure as well as a decrease in the level of the vital mineral, potassium.

The other spices that have been known to cause a rise in high blood pressure include: Aniseed, Capsicum, Parsley, Bayberry and Coltsfoot.

But keep this in mind: simply avoiding these spices won’t be enough to drop your blood pressure down to normal. You’ll need a hard-hitting method that works.

Take action now and drop your blood pressure – all you need is 3 easy steps. Find out more here and live a healthier life.