This Popular Exercise Causes Heart Attack and DeathIs exercise actually good for you? Silly question. Of course it is.

But too much of a good thing can be…well…not good.

And that’s the case with one particular popular exercise. Get too much of it and your risk of heart attack will start heading skyward.

A study conducted by German researchers focused for nearly 10 years on the exercise habits of more than 1000 people who were in their 60’s. All participants were diagnosed with coronary heart disease.

About 40 percent of the participants did 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercises four times a week. In the remaining participant, roughly 50 percent got more than 60 minutes exercise for more than 4 times a week while the other 50 percent exercised occasionally or rarely.

By the end of the research period, it was identified that as expected, those who did little or no exercise had the highest risk of developing a cardiac event. However, the healthiest group was the one in which people who participated in moderate exercise not intense exercise.

In fact, the very active participants had double the risk of heart attack and stroke compared to the moderate exercising group.

Another research conducted in Sweden studied the exercising habits of 44,400 men between the ages of 45 and 79 in their younger years. They found out that those who exercised more than 5 hours a week had roughly 19 percent higher risk of developing heart problems later in life.

All this does not mean that you should shun exercises. Avoid intense endurance cardio or frequent exercising and instead focus on mild and simple exercises that don’t make you feel worn out. Remember the golden rule of healthy exercising – short bursts of exercising followed by periods of rest.

Some indications that you are exercising too much or incorrectly include:
• Exercise leaves you feeling tired instead of energized
• You get sick easily
• You have the blues
• You’re unable to sleep or you can’t seem to get enough sleep
• Your legs feel heavy
• You have a short fuse
• You feel physically sore for many days in a row

Here is a simple exercise routine you might be interested in:
• Warm up for three minutes
• Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds to raise your heart rate
• Rest for 90 seconds while moving to keep warm
• Repeat the high intensity exercise and rest cycle about seven more times

Even more powerful, here are three easy exercises guaranteed to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level – starting today…

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