Weird Cause of Bad Cholesterol and How to Easily Prevent ItSo you know that high levels of LDL cholesterol is bad for you.

You’ve also been warned repeatedly by health experts, doctors, neighbors, and your mother-in-law that foods with saturated fats, a lack of physical activity, and your age all increase bad cholesterol levels.

What if you were told that there’s something else that causes bad cholesterol – something you never suspected? Hmm.
Bad weather, especially winters, can be a great source of inconvenience. But a new study shows that there is more to winters than just minor hassles. In fact, cholesterol levels, which fluctuate over the seasons, are said to be at the highest levels during the winter.

Data from nearly 2.8 million adults were analyzed in a massive study conducted at Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease. The cholesterol levels of the participants were analyzed from the period of 2006 to 2013.

The readings were categorized according to the time of the year when it was recorded and compared with other readings across different seasons. The study revealed that LDL cholesterol was 3.5 percent higher in men and 1.7 percent higher in women during the colder months.

They also discovered that HDL cholesterol, often called the ‘good cholesterol’ did not change markedly across the seasons.

A lot has to do with lifestyle issues. For instance, people might find themselves hesitating to go to the gym or outside to exercise. Similarly, due to lesser exposure to sunlight, a decrease in Vitamin D level is also observed. Vitamin D is helpful for reducing LDL cholesterol and its deficiency can result in accumulation of this type of cholesterol in the body.

More importantly, hardening of the arteries and even blockage can increase during the winter months. The researchers have also suggested that other risk factors for heart disease like high blood pressure and blood glucose levels also increase in the winters.

The best way to fight it is to choose a healthy nutritious diet and to take a firm resolve to exercise regularly no matter what!

Having high levels of bad cholesterol sucks. It can make you worried. But there’s a way for you to knock your cholesterol level right where it counts and bring that pesky cause of poor health under control. Take a look here if you think that maybe, just maybe, dropping your cholesterol with an easy-to-follow steps sounds like a good idea…