Two Best Diet Plans for Type 2 Diabetes compared (and winner revealed)At the end of the day, it’s not just about lowering your blood sugar level.


It’s about refusing to have your dreams, lifestyle, and family crushed by everything that comes along with type 2 diabetes: the persistent mental fogginess, the loss of eyesight, the constant, unrelenting thirst.

But to make sure that doesn’t happen – or to seek a way out if you’re already suffering from diabetes – you will need to knock that blood sugar level down.

The researchers chose 61 patients with diabetes for the study. They were randomly assigned either a low-fat diet or low-carb diet for six months.

At the end of the study period, they found that the people in both the groups lost a significant amount of weight of nearly nine pounds.

But while the low-carb diet resulted in a significant reduction in inflammation, no such changes were observed in the case of those who followed a low-fat diet.

Many medical experts are of the opinion that it is not saturated fats but carbohydrates, especially sugar that is responsible for type 2 diabetes.

Instead, a low-carb diet rich in unprocessed saturated fats seemed to have a lot of benefits. Even though we’ve been instructed often that saturated fat makes us sick and is bad for health, recent research shows that it in fact helps raise the level of good cholesterol in the body.

Got some free time? Ready to start lowering your blood sugar levels? Good. Discovering easy 3 steps to give Type 2 Diabetes the knockout punch it deserves won’t take long…