This Tiny Fruit Nosedives High Blood Pressure and Prevents Heart AttackNothing beats fruits when it comes to great health benefits, the tasty way. One tiny delicious fruit has however been found to be the king of natural healing.

Be it boosting your immune system, tacking inflammation (type 2 diabetes, arthritis), losing weight or pulling your blood pressure down, you absolutely MUST consume this fruit.

In fact, a new study conducted by University of Mississippi Medical Center found that just by adding this fruit to your diet, you can lower your blood pressure 7.5 points.

Even more importantly, another study revealed that including this super-fruit decreases the risk of heart attack whooping 32%

Blueberries have long been known to be the most powerful super-health-food on the planet earth

It carries more types of antioxidants than any other type of food and therefore fight free radicals and inflammations like nothing else. What’s more, they’re loaded with Vitamin C, fiber and the mineral, manganese all of which are essential for the body.

A cup of blueberries contributes only about 80 calories, so it’s a perfect snack for people on diet.

But how does this fruit benefit your heart?

The answer is in a chemical compound called pterostilbene, which is found in blueberries and grapes. Pterostilbene helps lower blood pressure according to the findings of a new study.

A group of researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind study in which participants were administered different doses of pterostilbene extract up to 125 milligrams per day or a placebo (that does nothing).

All participants who were administered the extract showed a reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Average drop was about 7.5 points.

Note that the researchers used extract in this study. You’d have to eat a lot of blueberries to get the same amount of pterostilbene. But since blueberries include so many other antioxidants, handful or two a day is plenty to get great health benefits.

Another research that focused on data from Nurses’ Health Study II reviewed the diets of 93,000 women. They discovered that those who included blueberries regularly in their diet were 32 percent less likely to get a heart attack compared to those whose diet was rich in other fruits and vegetables but not blueberries.

Both studies have one message – eat blueberries whenever you can. Fresh blueberries can be sprinkled on oatmeal; you can use them to make muffins or smoothies and enjoy good health.

Blueberries may not be enough however to permanently bring down your high blood pressure. For a guaranteed way to lower your blood pressure starting today, try these 3 easy blood pressure exercises…