Popular Cholesterol Drugs Causes Deadly Side Effects – Study FindsA study published in JAMA Internal Medicine reveals a terrifying fact.

People who use one of the most popular cholesterol drugs begin to uncontrollably consume more calories per day than those who don’t take these drugs.

What’s worse, it snowballs. The longer you’re on this drug, the more calories you tend to consume. And this happens to almost everyone.

The worst part is that the type of food these drugs push you to consume are those that RAISE cholesterol and CAUSE sever obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart attack and stroke if no action is taken.

The research team collected data from US government health surveys from 1990 to 2010. The study involved data of nearly 28,000 people who were 20 years or older at the beginning of the study.

The participants were surveyed every year and both physical exams and blood tests were conducted. Most importantly, their food intake pattern was recorded.

The number of study participants who used statin cholesterol drugs more than doubled during the 20 years. Went from 8 percent in the first year to 17 percent in the final year.

Here comes the shocking fact:

The average calorie intake for people who took statins increased from 2000 calories/day in the beginning to 2192 calories/day by the end of the study period.

The daily fat intake alone increased from 72 grams to 82 grams. Considering that the daily recommended fat intake is 77 grams, this is a considerable difference.

No surprise, the average body mass index (BMI) for statin users increased from 29, which is just below the obesity cutoff, to 31 – one point above the cutoff.

Even the incidence of diabetes among the population increased from 22 to 29 percent.

Now you may be thinking that people who didn’t take statins also increased their calorie intake. But that’s not the case. At the time people with high cholesterol were put on statins, they tended to consume fewer calories than people with healthy cholesterol. But the longer they were on statins, the less the gap became, till they were consuming much more calories.

So why does this happen?

The conclusion study researchers came to was that statins give people false security. People (falsely) assume that the drug can compensate for poor dietary choice.

“I can eat whatever I want because statins take care of the cholesterol”

This is one more risk to the already long list of side effects of using statin drugs including; muscle aches and diabetes.

The worst part is that despite being the most sold drug in the world, no study has ever proven it to have any benefits of preventing dying from stroke or heart attack.

So what is the solution?

If your doctor has already put you on statins (or is pushing you to take them) don’t look at it as safenet or life sentence. Make a commitment to change your diet and lifestyle to eventually get off the medications with your doctors blessing.

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