10 Signs You’re Lacking This Essential Heart Health MineralLacking this ONE simple mineral can be more devastating to your health than any other. It maybe the main reason behind your high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke and possible death.

Since it’s so easy to supplement this mineral (and avoid the serious complications before it’s to lade), it’s essential that you detect early if you’re lacking it.

That’s why today, I’m listing 10 clear signs that you’re missing one of the most essential mineral for your body.

If you find that one or more of these symptoms affects you, it’s time to see your doctor to get checked out if IRON is something you need to supplement:

Bruising easily– There is a saying : “He/she bruises bumping into air.” And it could just be that you are a little uncoordinated, and have a higher likelihood of knocking into things…but it could also be that your iron is low and your tissues are more easily damaged. If you bruise easily, especially if you also experience any of the other symptoms on the list, go get checked.

Sallow pallor– Yellowish skin isn’t iron deficiency…that’s generally more a liver issue. But something as simple as pale, very translucent skin may indicate a need for more iron. Pale, weak skin tears more easily, too, and why open yourself up to more infection /discomfort if a supplement can help?

Hair Loss– Stress, post-pregnancy effects, even your diet can cause you to lose hair. But not having enough iron stresses out the hair follicles and they eventually just start to give up. Keep them fed and it makes a real difference. Pattern or genetic baldness is different- this applies to spotty areas or all over thinning.

Thyroid issues– If you have low thyroid activity or have had surgery to remove it, then you are automatically at risk of low iron levels, and will likely need a supplemental form of it. Make sure to talk to your doctor about your iron levels if this applies to you.

Strange cravings– While this isn’t necessarily a dangerous symptom, it can be if the craving is for dirt. If you seem to be craving dirt or ice, this is a classic sign that you need more iron.

Fatigue– Generally, fatigue can be a real nuisance. But in some cases it can be dangerous, or cause you to miss out on work time or other events in your life. Driving or operating machinery when you are fatigued is never a good idea, so get checked out to avoid tragedy.

Sleep disturbances– It is estimated that nearly half of those who suffer from restless leg syndrome are actually just not getting enough iron. Medicines for RLS can have catastrophic side effects, so before you head for the prescriptions, look first at supplemental iron.

(If you’re having problems sleeping, you may also want to check out this simple, easy trick to sleep through the night…)

Headache and migraine– Again, not all migraines are going to need prescription medication to mitigate or alleviate. Sometimes, adding magnesium gluconate and/or iron in supplement form is enough to keep them at bay, if you are also avoiding other triggers.

(Here are more info on how to completely avoid migraine and headaches…)

High blood pressure– Perhaps the most important sign that you need to check iron, especially if you experience any of the other symptoms, is chronic, stubbornly high blood pressure. Unmanaged, high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, stroke, and heart attack. Make sure to do everything you can to avoid stressing out your ticker, which includes making sure to give it all the nutrients it needs to thrive.

The easiest and most effective way to lower blood pressure are 3 easy blood pressure exercises. Learn more and test the blood pressure exercises out for yourself here…