9 Most Powerful Type 2 Diabetes FoodsIf you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, you know that eating the right food (and avoiding the wrong) is essential for managing your condition.

That’s why today I’m listing nine, most powerful foods I know to manage and reverse type 2 diabetes.

The list does of course not have every great item for type 2 diabetes, so I hope you join the discussion below and share your favorite type 2 diabetes food.

Beans – People with diabetes need to eat more foods containing complex carbohydrates, such as beans. The carbohydrates in beans help the blood sugar rise gently and slowly unlike simple carbohydrates foods (like refined grains and sugary treats) that cause a sudden spike. The low fat content and the soluble fiber in beans make it an even more healthy choice.

Oatmeal – Oatmeal is one of the best breakfast options possible, considering how good it is at reducing blood pressure, controlling blood sugar and lower cholesterol. The soluble fiber in oats helps slow down absorption of sugar and keeps blood sugar under control. Choose steel cut oats or whole oats that have not been processed for maximum benefits.

Fresh fish – Is a good source of lean proteins that has high quality carbohydrates. Consumed with other nutritious food, it helps keep your blood sugar under control.

Non-fat yogurt – The good carbohydrates and fats as well as calcium in the yogurt is great for lowering blood sugar. But choose plain yogurt (and add your own fruits) since most of the flavored yogurt sold in stores is loaded with sugar.

Almonds – Monounsaturated fats and magnesium in almonds make it a good food choice for diabetics. Daily intake of magnesium is known to reduce risk of developing diabetes by 33 percent. All other nuts are also excellent for type 2 diabetes.

Salmon – Salmon and a many other types of seafood are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help increase good cholesterol. The ideal balance of protein and fat in salmon slows down the body’s absorption of sugars.

Broccoli – Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli are rich in nutrients and a good source of high quality carbohydrates. This low-calorie veggie is great for keeping blood sugar in check.

Egg whites – Egg whites are low in carbohydrates and rich in lean proteins that make it a perfect food for diabetics.

Avocado – Avocado is a tasty fruit packed with good monounsaturated fats but low in fructose. Research has identified that it can improve insulin efficiency.

Want to learn even more powerful ways to improve type 2 diabetes? Here are the exact 3 steps my mother took to completely reverse her type 2 diabetes…