New Genetic Cause of High Blood Pressure Discovered (and cure?)It has been debated for a long time whether high blood pressure is more often caused by genetics or lifestyle variations.

But researchers generally agree that both factors play a vital role in this dangerous disease. And researching genetic causes help us identify which lifestyle changes each person will benefit from. After all, we’re all different, right?

Researchers from The Queen Mary University of London have now identified 11 new genetic sequences that will not only help catch the sneaky disease earlier, but also be a real breakthrough in treating it more effectively and choosing the lifestyle changes that fit best.

The large study was conducted by examining the DNA of 87,736 people of European origin. The researchers were looking at genetic variants associated with blood pressure characteristics. A further examination of 68,368 individuals led to a discovery of 11 new genetic variants.

Ten out of the eleven genetic systems are very closely related to the genetic proteins that are responsible for blood pressure regulation.

Some of the drugs that target these blood pressure regulation proteins are already on the market today and some are currently being developed.

According to researchers, this newly identified genetic information will play a vital role in understanding how the body regulates blood pressure. They believe that further research will lead to discovery of more effective treatments to tackle high blood pressure and heart disease.

The problem, however, with genetic research is that people tend to believe they’re prisoners of their genes and the only way to save them is to take genetic treatment drugs.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our genes are nothing but blueprints. For example, a person who genetically tends to get overweight when they eat high carb diet, can change the trend by replacing pasta with protein and vegetables.

In the same way, if you’re genetically predisposed to have high blood pressure that will rarely account for more than a few points rise. And you can always bring it down using lifestyle changes like healthy diet and exercises.

The most effective method I’ve observed for people diagnosed with genetically inherited high blood pressure are 3 simple exercises that reboot your system to lower your blood pressure. Check them out and try these simple blood pressure exercises for yourself, here…