The High Blood Pressure / Salt Myth BustedIf you suffering from high blood pressure, your physician as well as everybody else puts the major blame on salt.

But, don’t throw out your salt shaker yet! A new research at Copenhagen University Denmark has found out something very significant and interesting regarding salt and high blood pressure.

The U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a daily salt intake of less than 1500 milligrams for adults over 50 years and less than 2300 milligrams for people within 50 years.

The study based in Copenhagen University in Denmark however analyzed 25 studies conducted earlier and discovered something quite different.

The study points out that while excessive salt intake did result in higher risk of developing stroke and heart disease, low salt intake was equally harmful.

They identified that moderate amount of salt and the safe range recommended to be 2645 – 4945 milligrams/day, which is significantly higher than the amount suggested by CDC.

So as long as you’re consuming a moderate amount of salt in a day (2645 – 4945 milligrams/day), there is no need for any dietary changes, the study has revealed.

Salt intake may or may not influence high blood pressure, but exercises are definitely effective. If you really want to bring down your blood pressure, try out these three easy exercises and experience the difference for yourself – starting today…