Heart Healthy FoodsWe all know that a healthy diet plays a vital role in maintaining good cardiovascular health, don’t we?

Certain foods are powerful enough to reduce blood pressure, prevent formation of plaques in the arteries and lower the risks of heart attacks and strokes. Believe it or not, some of the health claims have even been approved by FDA!

Today, we’d like to share something that’s good for your heart – the top 10 heart-friendly foods. These are must-have foods that are easy to get and simple to prepare. And they are not just healthy, but absolutely delicious too!
Learn how to take care of yourself better with these delicious, heart-loving foods. Don’t forget to visit our discussion club and share your thoughts and ideas through our comments section below…

1) Oatmeal

Even though we’ve written extensively about this wonder grain, we feel that we can never praise oats enough!

Oats are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, folate and potassium. These compounds play a very important role into maintaining good cardiovascular health. Oats also contains a very unique type of fiber called beta-glucan. This fiber helps to clear away harmful Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from the blood and keeps the arteries clean and free from plaque.

According to the FDA, oats reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and has the ability to lower blood pressure.
Enjoy a bowl of hot oatmeal every morning and load yourself with important nutrients that make your heart happy. That would be a great way to start the day!

2) Avocados

Even though this amazing fruit is rich in fat content, we can assure you that it is definitely one of the healthiest fruits you can find. Avocados are rich in monosaturated fats – the healthiest type of fat. They help lower the bad LDL cholesterol while raising the good HDL cholesterol. Avocados also help the body absorb beta-carotene and lycopene better, both of which are essential nutrients for a healthy heart.

3) Olive Oil

Olive oil is considered to be the king of good monosaturated fats! Olive oil helps to get rid of harmful LDL cholesterol and greatly reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

The Seven Country Study analyzed the heart disease incidents and trends all over the world. In one particular study, it was observed that even though people from the Greek island of Crete had high levels of cholesterol, very few people actually died of cardiovascular diseases. It sounds strange, but the explanation is quite simple. The diet of the people in Crete was chiefly focused around heart-healthy fats, like the kind found in olive oil.

Always look out for extra virgin, cold pressed organic olive oil. They are the least processed and the healthiest kind. We recommend generous portions of olive oil for your salad or for lightly sautéing the vegetables.

4) Nuts

Nuts are one if the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids that are very important for our cardiovascular health. Macadamia nuts and almonds are packed with mono and poly-unsaturated fats along with healthy fiber. Just like olive oil, nuts are also a wonderful source of fats that are good for heart health.

5) Berries

Almost all types of berries are loaded with anti-inflammatory properties and help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. Blueberries and blackberries, in particular, are considered to be the best for heart health.

6) Legumes

Beans are a ‘must have’ food for your heart. Legumes are loaded with nutrients that lower blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol. They are also packed with omega 3 fatty acids, calcium and soluble fiber.

7) Spinach

These leafy greens are packed with potassium, fiber, folate, lutein and iron. According to the Physicians Health Study, those who consume at least two servings of vegetables a day, cut down their risk of cardiovascular diseases by about 25 percent compared to those who didn’t eat vegetables.

No wonder spinach is Popeye’s power food… and could well be yours too!

8) Flaxseed

Loaded with fiber, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, flaxseed is the ultimate ‘heart healthy’ food. These tiny seeds are a rich source of Vitamins B, Manganese, dietary fiber, micronutrients and antioxidants.

Different studies have revealed that flaxseeds significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and cancer. You can find flaxseed oil in most of the health food stores all over the world. Another good idea is to sprinkle crushed flax seeds on top of your cereal or oatmeal!

9) Soy

Soy is known to lower cholesterol and it is low in saturated fats. Soy is the best bet for loading yourself with lean protein for a healthy heart.

Look out for natural sources of soy like tampeh, edamame or organic silken tofu. Enjoy a glass of soy milk along with a bowl of oatmeal for a great breakfast that is also good for your heart.

10) Salmon

Salmon is one of the richest sources of omega 3 fatty acids. It is not only effective for lowering blood pressure, but also helps keep the arteries free from plaques. According to some studies, just two servings of salmon per week, cuts the risk of heart attacks by up to one third!

Salmon contains a very powerful antioxidant called carotenoid astaxanthin. This unique antioxidant does wonders to heart health. Give preference to salmon caught in the wild instead of the farm-raised ones, as the latter type often tends to be polluted with heavy metals, pesticides and insecticides.

If you’re not that crazy about salmon, fatty fishes like herring, tuna or mackerel will provide your heart with pretty much the same healthy benefits.

For even more powerful ways to protect your heart, discover how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…

Or follow this step-by-step plan to get your cholesterol under control in 30 days or less…