Sleeplessness Brain HealthSwedish sleep researchers have discovered startling new information about lack of sleep.

Before you decide, “I am only sleep deprived occasionally, so this isn’t for me,” take note… because even one night of sleep deprivation can cause tremendous health trouble.

Even a single night of sleep deprivation can lead to brain damage, as asserted by researchers at Sweden’s Uppsala University.

The kind of brain damage that occurs is believed to be that which can lead to degenerative disorders, such as those on the dementia spectrum. What is even more alarming is the fact that damage was found in even young, healthy people.

Researchers looked at concentrations of a chemical in blood that is naturally occurring at certain concentrations, indicating healthy levels in the brain. Excessive amounts of these chemicals are an indicator of damaged brain tissue.

The chemical molecules known as NSE and S100-B, were found in excessive concentrations in study participants who were deprived of sleep. The researchers started the study by testing their levels after having sound sleep for at least 7 hours. Then the participants were deprived for just one night, and tested again the following morning.

The amounts of the NSE and S100-B molecules found were in a high enough concentration to be considered as damaging to brain tissue.

It’s not too late to change your sleep habits and avoid further damage. Even if you are chronically sleep deprived and suffer from insomnia, this simple approach knocks you out in less than a half hour, the very first night…