brain diabetes causesAlarming predictions from the Centers for Disease Control assert that by the year 2050, roughly half the US population will have developed type 2 diabetes.

The epidemic that seems to be increasing out of control has scientists scrambling to look at all the factors that play a part in whether or not a person will develop the disease, and have found new evidence to suggest that it’s far more complicated than just eating too much sugar.

In research recently published in the journal Nature, scientists revealed evidence regarding the brain’s role in the development- and potential reversal- of type 2 diabetes.

While many of the former studies point to inflammation as the key factor, this new study has found that the brain’s reaction to insulin levels in the body plays a pivotal role in a person’s likelihood of developing diabetes.

According to the new research, scientists assert that type 2 diabetes develops when the pancreas’ ability to regulate insulin AND the brain’s regulation of other chemical receptors both fail.

The study did not look specifically at whether the damaging effects of inflammation were ultimately responsible for both failures, though but that’s what natural health experts have known for decades.

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