Meat Causing DiabetesWe’ve extensively written on the effects of different diets on our health.

The right types of foods can significantly improve or even heal numerous health conditions – often considered incurable by the traditional medical system.

And of course, the wrong choices in diet pave the way to cardiovascular diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Sometimes, even commonly known foods and diets turns out to be a culprit of serious diseases, as a new European study reveals.

A research study published in the Journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) shows that this very common diet causes the development of type 2 diabetes.

French researches conducted a study involving 66,485 females. Throughout a period of 14 years, they observed their dietary intake.

What they discovered was that women who consumed a lot of meat in their diet were affected by chronic acidosis much more frequently than those who ate less meat.

High acidity level is known to cause several health conditions. One of them is reduced sensitivity to insulin, which again, leads to type 2 diabetes.

1,732 new cases of type 2 diabetes where noted during the 14-year research period. The group of women that scored high on potential renal acid load (PRAL) test were at 56 % greater risk at developing diabetes 2 compare to women that scored low.

Diets rich in animal protein increase blood acidity, while fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables help neutralize acidity, being alkaline.

This does not, however, mean that everyone needs to become completely vegetarian. But you may want to consider what percentage of the average diet consists of meat- and how this has drastically increased in the last 50 years or so.

Could this be one of the main causes of spikes in almost all chronic diseases?

This research once again proves that diet plays a major role in inhibiting type 2 diabetes. Here is a moderate, 3-step plan to completely reverse type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less…