Diabetes Eye ExamMany people who have limited coverage in their health plans may go without what some see as an unnecessary luxury for health care maintenance.

However, this one test may be the very thing that alerts you to problems brewing with your health – especially type 2 diabetes – that isn’t found in your general practitioner’s office.

For some, the tendency for vision changes and problems reading may seem like the natural progression of aging. And typically, it is true. At about 35-40 years of age, many people will start showing the signs of presbyopia, which is where the lens loses its flexibility.

The consequence of this is that people find they may need reading glasses to read the menu at their favorite restaurant or on food labels and such.

However, sometimes vision changes are not as benign as this simple need for “cheaters.”

Sight problems such as blurred vision, which can develop slowly or suddenly, can be the calling card of a problem with diabetes that may be undiagnosed. Many people who skip their annual physicals and have no baseline data for their blood sugar may find that there is no other indication of a problem developing.

Not everyone shows the characteristic sign of excessive thirst or tingling in the extremities. Diabetes symptoms can vary a lot.

That’s why if you can possibly make room for it in your budget, it is really important to keep to a regular eye exam schedule- especially if you already have high blood pressure and high cholesterol or triglyceride levels. These latter health readings can be done free of charge at your community’s health fair or even at the health department or free clinic.

People with these known metabolic diseases are at a much higher risk of developing diabetes, and when you add vision changes to the mix it should send up red flags.

As well, regular dental visits to keep tabs on the health of your gums are critical. Your dentist or hygienist will assess the condition of your gums and will be alerted to potential problems that can be diabetes-related if they see bleeding or receding.

Diabetes causes vascular and nerve damage. All tissues in the body depend upon healthy nerves and blood flow to function properly, so if these things are compromised, those tissues and functions will suffer.

The good news is, though, that even if you suspect or have had a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, it doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

This easy, all-natural plan enables you to completely reverse type 2 diabetes- permanently- in just 3 simple steps. Find out more here…