TM High Blood PressureMillions of people all over the world suffer from high blood pressure and various heart related diseases.

The most common treatments available involve the use of strong medication that often causes unpleasant and serious side effects.

Luckily, after a recent scientific study, the modern medical world finally admits that simple and unique alternatives to treat high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases are more powerful and healthier than a handful of pills prescribed by a doctor.

Transcendental Meditation research published in “Current Hypertension Reviews,” reveals amazing health benefits of this simple mind exercise.

It is a powerful tool to eliminate stress, anxiety and depression. But even more important is the fact that meditation has an ability to significantly improve cardiovascular health.

Researchers discovered that meditation not only efficiently lowers high blood pressure, but it also helps clear the arteries of unwelcomed plaque buildup.

With both lower blood pressure and clearer arteries, the risk of stroke and heart attack is drastically reduced.
It eliminates heart pain, which greatly improves the state of heart failure patients.

As if this weren’t enough, the researchers found that people who regularly did meditation decreased their use of unhealthy substances like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. This, again, contributed to better health.

Researchers explain that meditation works by letting the body achieve a deep level of rest while keeping the mind alert and awake. This state of restful alertness allows the body to make all needed repairs to restore balance and health.

The truth is that we are all gifted with the power of self-healing, even though we might not be fully aware of it. The mind is a powerful tool to boost our health and well being.

Now, even the scientists admit that meditation works wonders when it comes to improving the quality of life- with absolutely no side effects or medical costs.

And even better, it is also very simple to practice meditation. All you need is a quiet, peaceful place and 15-20 minutes of your daily time. You can focus on your breathing, peaceful music, sounds of nature, just sitting quietly or repeating a prayer or a positive affirmation (love, peace, gratitude.)

Already after the first session of meditation you will feel calmer, more peaceful and relaxed and maybe even experience a drop in blood pressure.

I personally very much welcome this study since, for over a decade, I’ve been using mind/body exercises (somewhat like meditation) to help thousands of clients to lower their blood pressure naturally.

However, since my exercises were specifically designed to lower blood pressure, they’re even more powerful than meditation.
In fact, using my blood pressure exercises, most people drop their high blood pressure below 120/80 in less than a week… sometimes even the very first day.

What’s more, unlike meditation, doing my simple exercises, you do not need to learn or practice anything. Just follow along as I guide you on audio.

Click here to learn more about these extremely powerful blood pressure exercises and test-drive them online…