Lovers in a tentOne of the most common health issues of the 21st century is Insomnia. Millions of people every night have trouble falling asleep, wake up in the middle of the night or get up in the morning tired.

The “insomnia cure industry” is huge, producing anything from powerful sleeping pills, light gadgets and self-hypnosis tapes. Most of these sleeping-aids either cause serious side effects, cost a fortune, don’t work or are outrageously annoying.

Scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder have, however, discovered an extremely pleasurable method to overcome insomnia. What’s more, this method is completely free and improves both overall health and mood.

Living in the electronic age has created a number of incredible conveniences for our daily lives. However, it has also created some very unhealthy consequences as well.

The constant onslaught of electronic input from artificial light, television, video games, computers, and the like, have created a situation of over-stimulation in our brains.

The disastrous result? Insomnia.

However, undoing the damage can be completely natural and require no medications, herbs, elixirs, or any other interventions.

Melatonin is a natural chemical that the body produces as the serotonin in the body breaks down. Serotonin is created partly from natural light, and is critical in mood, attention, and other mental processes.

Being trapped inside all day causes a person to miss out on much needed serotonin, which leads to an absence of melatonin.

As well, the constant barrage of electronic stimuli coming from the computer, electronic tablet, television, and other devices over-stimulates the brain to a point where finding restful, consistent sleep has become impossible for many.

So how do you undo the damage?

Go sleep outside, say scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Spending time outside during the day and into the evening, experiencing the sunset and then the natural rising of the sun has been shown to improve the sleep cycles of participants in a recent study.

Researchers saw that for participants who camped outside that at the end of the week, they reported not only falling asleep much easier, but also sleeping more soundly through the night and waking up more rested and alert.

Researchers noted that it takes very little time at all for the body to acclimate to the natural cycle of the rising and setting of the sun, resulting is a harmonious synchronizing of the body’s sleeping clock.

One of the interesting things for me, personally, regarding this research is that I myself completely cured my insane insomnia a few years back and I discovered the cure while camping out in the beautiful forests of Pennsylvania.

The key, however, was that I found a way to take the cure back home and use it even when I was NOT camping. I then tested it with my clients and discovered that pretty much all of them could fall asleep within 24 minutes if they used my simple method.

If you, too, are suffering insomnia, learn more about this simple method to overcome insomnia in 24 minutes here…