football_high_blood_pressureIt is true that people who work out regularly have the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure. It is also true that the more strenuous the workout, the better a person’s chances are for dropping high blood pressure naturally.

However, a new study looking at a certain kind of sport has shown that even the most dedicated athletes are not immune from hypertension and that how you work out is as important as how much.

In fact, this one workout/sport may even cause high blood pressure.

Recently, a study was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association looking at first-year student athletes at the university level. Specifically, they looked at health markers for football players.

[adrotate group=”5″]What they found was that first-year players were at much increased risk of high blood pressure, many meeting the criteria for diagnosis of pre-hypertension and hypertension.

However, a more unsettling trend also emerged. Researchers found that 83% of the Linemen had already developed hypertension, even though only about 15% of the hypertensive players had been diagnosed.

While some may attribute the Linemen’s size and the fact that they have a higher concentration of central body fat to the increase in blood pressure, researchers were quick to point out that even Linemen who didn’t gain weight developed hypertension at a much higher statistically relevant rate than non-players.

Surprisingly though, college players on average had higher incidents of high blood pressure than pro-football players, which may indicate it isn’t the sport itself but maybe some other factors associated with it.

These findings point to the unique stress college players have- limited time to perform (4 years as opposed to a whole career at the pro level), academic hurdles to remain eligible, and a sometimes unhealthy tendency for some athletes to indulge in alcohol and binge drinking.

It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80, you can do these 3 easy exercises guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 as soon as today…

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