What if we told you that one specific type of cooking oil could save you from serious health conditions like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes?

And this time we are not talking about much praised Olive oil.

Recent researches done on this amazing oil proves that it is so powerful, it could replace many of the prescription drugs sitting in your medicine cabinet.

And most likely, you have walked pass this oil in your local supermarket a hundreds of times.

Two studies conducted by researchers from Annamalai University in India revealed that Sesame oil has both the outstanding ability to cut down high blood pressure and help those suffering with type 2 diabetes.

[adrotate group=”5″]The research included 328 individuals suffering with high blood pressure. All participants were taking blood pressure lowering medication, but it wasn’t enough to bring it down to a healthy level.

Participants were asked to switch their regular cooking oil to Sesame seed oil for a period of 60 days.

Already after the third week of experiment their blood pressure was drastically reduced.

And after 60 days of using Sesame seed oil both the average systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels were completely cut down to normal.

Researchers conclude that the amazing ability of Sesame seed oil to lower blood pressure lies in the powerful ingredients it contains.

It is loaded with potent antioxidants sesamin, sesamol and lignants. It is also rich in vitamin E, Calcium, iron and Magnesium.

Sesame seed oil contains mono- and polyunsaturated acids the healthy fatty acids crucial to cardiovascular health.

The potential to also improve the condition of type 2 diabetes is proven in another study conducted by the same Indian researchers.

In this open label study 60 participants suffering from type 2 diabetes were divided into three groups. One group was asked to consume 35 g of Sesame oil daily. The other group was instructed to take 35g of Sesame oil together with 5 g of diabetic drug glibenclamide. The third group was taking the drug alone.

After only 60 days, blood glucose levels were significantly decreased in both groups taking Sesame seed oil. The activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants was also dramatically improved in both groups taking Sesame seed oil alone and Sesame oil with glibenclamide drug.

Furthermore, levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides were considerably lessened in both Sesame seed oil taking groups.

Sesame seed oil can be easily found in most of the supermarkets and the health food stores, throughout the world. (I recommend cold pressed, unrefined and organic Sesame seed oil, if possible. )

These amazing health benefits of Sesame seed oil can be achieved by simply replacing it with your regular cooking oil. And although these studies didn’t research this, I’m sure that Sesame seeds are extremely beneficial too.

Switching to Sesame may however not be enough to completely heal high blood pressure, high cholesterol or type 2 diabetes. For more information on that…

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But first, let us know what you think. Do you use Sesame oil? Please leave your comments below.